We ship all packages within 48 hours of the order being placed. Below are our standard delivery times, we ship with Royal Mail.
UK | FREE Delivery | 1-2 working days | Royal Mail |
Europe* | £12/ FREE over £150 | 3-5 working days |
Royal Mail |
US* | £15/ FREE over £200 | 5-10 working days |
Royal Mail |
International* | £20/ FREE over £300 | 5-10 working days | Royal Mail |
Locations we don’t yet ship to: South America, The Caribbean and Africa. |
*Customs and Import Duties
Please note that international orders may be subject to customs or import duties and tax charges once they reach their destination country outside of the UK. We do not cover this cost so you will be responsible for paying any import charges that may be added. Please contact your local customs office for charges and more information before placing your order.
Which courier do you use?
Our parcels are sent using Royal Mail.